How to Whiten Teeth Naturally

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Do you want to have a bright, shiny smile with healthy, white teeth? If so, then you arrived at the right place – in this article you will learn everything you need to know about how to whiten teeth naturally.

We tell you what works and is safe for your teeth, and debunk some myths about others that do not work so well.

1. Brush Your Teeth with Activated Charcoal

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Activated charcoal can help make your teeth whiter

Have you ever heard about activated charcoal? It is a powder which has the ability to absorb toxins and detox the body. It is used to detox the digestive tract and cleanse it, purify water, remove toxins, mold cleansing, treating alcohol poisoning and alleviate digestive bloating.

With so many other uses, is it a wonder that it is also a very effective product to whiten teeth and improve oral health? Brushing with activated charcoal will whiten your teeth by absorbing the fixed plaque and microscopic pieces which cause teeth staining.

All you need to do is brush your teeth with it four or five times per week. Dip your toothbrush into powdered activated charcoal and brush teeth as usual. Rinse your mouth well afterwards until your spit is clear of dark colour.

2. Do Coconut Oil Pulling

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Coconut oil is an amazing therapy for your teeth

Oil pulling is an ancient therapy used especially by Indians, often mentioned in their ancient healing science called Ayurveda. It has been used over the centuries to whiten teeth, improve oral and overall health and thoroughly clean teeth as well.

There was a study featured in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Hygiene which had some interesting findings regarding oil pulling. Basically, their conclusions pointed to the fact that oil pulling therapy is natural, safe, effective and had no side effects whatsoever.

You can use the oil of your choice – either coconut oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil, sesame oil (which is actually recommended in Ayurveda) or sunflower oil.

However, coconut oil is the best option because it has antimicrobial properties (due to one of its containing acids, lauric acid), which means that it has the power to better clean your teeth and gums at a microbial level, making it more hygienic while also improving your breath.

All you have to do is take a teaspoon of oil in your mouth and swish it around vigorously for 5 to 20 minutes, depending on your dedication and time.

Coconut oil can be used as a toothpaste as well, making it a very potent cleaning agent (and a  much more natural and chemicals-free toothpaste as well).

3. Be Careful With Apple Cider Vinegar

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Apple cider vinegar can be harmful to your teeth

Apple cider vinegar (also known as ACV) has been touted as a “miracle” agent against dental plaque and yellow teeth.

While it is, indeed, a great cleaner (after all, it can be used with great success for house cleaning as well), having antibiotic properties and your teeth indeed look much whiter afterwards, there’s a big catch here. Very few experts talk about the fact that vinegar is also highly corrosive (and acidic) – which means that it can greatly damage your teeth enamel, the outer layer of teeth.

Granted, apple cider vinegar will remove your plaque while also cleaning your teeth at a deep, microbial level – but it will remove a part of your teeth enamel as well. That’s how “powerful” of a cleaner it is.

Now I’m not saying that you should avoid it entirely – but you do need to be aware of the risks and drawbacks of this approach.

If you still want to use apple cider vinegar to whiten and clean your teeth, then I suggest you be extra careful when using it. You can use it to swish it around your mouth (using it like a mouthwash) or use it to brush your teeth. Whichever approach you use, make sure you do not brush too hard or too long.

If you decide to swish your mouth with it, then I would suggest you dilute it (because otherwise it is too strong and it will definitely hurt your enamel) and do not hold it in your mouth for more than one minute.

If you research apple cider vinegar’s results for oral health, you will find conflicting results. Some swear by it, others say their teeth have worsened and became more sensitive.

They are both right, and now you know why – because apple cider vinegar is a very powerful cleaning agent which can also be destructive if used without care or proper knowledge.

4. Brush Your Teeth with Sea Salt

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Sea salt is a great toothpaste replacement

Have you ever wondered about other alternatives to conventional toothpaste? There are many more “natural” toothpaste alternatives available – and one of them is sea salt.

Sea salt is a great alternative to toothpaste because it is a mild corrosive agent while also providing lots of beneficial minerals for optimal teeth health and remineralizing their structure.

Salt is also known throughout history to be antimicrobial, so it also cleans the mouth at a deep, microbial level, leading to an overall improved oral health from a bacterial point of view.

I personally brush my teeth with sea salt usually – and I could feel the benefits right away.It helps whiten the teeth because it removes dental plaque due to its mild corrosive effect and it’s also a very cheap alternative to any toothpaste available.

In fact, if you want to make a great combo, you could combine coconut oil and sea salt to make a great whitening and cleaning toothpaste.

It would be best to use natural sea salt, without added iodine or anything else.

5. Exercise Caution With Acidic Fruits Peels

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Be careful with acidic fruits as they can damage your teeth

Acidic fruits have a similar effect to apple cider vinegar on teeth because they both have an acidifying effect. Hence, the results people get from using them vary like in the case of apple cider vinegar – some swear by them, others worsened their problems with them.

I also suggest you exercise caution when eating acidic foods (as you will learn when reading hack #25), because the acids can damage your teeth enamel, making them less healthy and more sensitive.

However, using lemon peels, orange peels or lemon essential oil can indeed whiten your teeth – but the key here is using them sparingly. All you have to do is rub lemon peels or orange peels on your teeth, let it sit for a few minutes and then thoroughly rinse your mouth.

If you choose to use lemon essential oil, then put a few drops in a spoon of water (or better yet, a spoon of coconut oil), put it in your mouth, swish around for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Once again, they can be very effective but make sure to use them sparingly. If you already have hypersensitive teeth (to cold or hot foods or even to water) then I strongly advise against it.

6. Use Hydrogen Peroxide Sparingly

Hydrogen peroxide is another popular “hack” to whiten your teeth and improve the oral cleanliness and hygiene. However, It has similar drawbacks similar to the use of apple cider vinegar (which you could learn by reading hack #3).

What exactly is hydrogen peroxide? It is an antibacterial substance used in dentistry as a gum cleaner (and overall mouth cleaner) to eradicate unwanted germs and bacteria from your mouth.

Research has shown that the use of hydrogen peroxide keeps the breath fresh by countering bad bacteria, acting as an antiseptic and antibacterial substance. It is widely used in dentistry today, with the most common use of whitening teeth. It also provides a natural protection against gum problems such as gingivitis or periodontitis.

However, the drawback is that it can also destroy your teeth enamel if used excessively. I recommend you use it sparingly and rarely – and only if you have strong, healthy teeth. If you already have hypersensitive teeth then I would not recommend using it.

7. Brushing Teeth with White Kaolin Clay

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Clay can be a good abrasive tool to whiten your teeth

Are you looking for an alternative to traditional toothpaste which can whiten your teeth and clean them thoroughly?

Look no further than white kaolin clay. An excellent alternative to brushing your teeth with sea salt, this deep oral cleaner also removes the yellow plaque on the teeth – improving the bacteria ratio in the mouth and the aspect of the teeth. It’s very cheap and can be widely found at health stores.

However, white kaolin clay is a bit stronger as an abrasive substance compared to sea salt. You should use it only a couple of times per week (3, maximum 5 times).

It is also an excellent alternative to baking soda, which, as you will soon learn (by reading hack #8) is not ideally used more than 2-3 times per week.

8. Use Baking Soda Sparingly (If At All)

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Using baking soda sparingly is the best strategy for your teeth

Next to the apple cider vinegar craze, the baking soda craze has been taking the health world by storm.

From healing cancer to alkalizing the body (both ludicrous affirmations), from whitening teeth to improving skin tone (both partially true affirmations), baking soda has been touted as a “one cure miracle for all”. But how much of it is it true and how much of it is exaggeration?

First, you need to know that baking soda is indeed a very powerful cleaning agent. More importantly, it is an equally strong abrasive substance, which means that while it can indeed help your teeth, it can destroy part of your enamel in the process as well.

As you probably learned by now, you should preserve the enamel of your teeth with great care. Using baking soda to brush your teeth (or even gargle in your mouth, for that matter) is not such a great idea health-wise, as it can induce sores to your gums, mouth and it can be too harsh on your teeth as well.

Similar to apple cider vinegar (again), people have been posting conflicting reviews about using baking soda as a teeth cleaner. Some people used it wisely (which means sparingly and rarely) and reaped good results – others claimed that their teeth were now more sensitive and even more damaged than before.

As usually, if you take the time to do a deeper research than what resembles at the surface, you might discover that the most popular “solutions” are quick and effective for a reason – because they are damaging in the long run.

9. Swish with Urine or Brush Teeth with it

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Urine is much more than just a “waste” product

This might sound crazy and ludicrous, but if you read about the medicinal effects of urine you will find some incredible findings.

Ancient Romans have been using urine extensively to wash their clothes, doing public cleaning, whitening their teeth and for their personal hygiene. In fact, if you google “urine therapy” you might find some fascinating stories of people who have tremendously improved their life with the use of urine.

I personally tried it and it works wonders. So why is urine so good for whitening teeth and improving oral hygiene? It’s because urine is a very strong antimicrobial substance – it can kill off “bad germs” easily. This means that it can be of much help for your overall health and the color of your teeth.

You can use urine to brush your teeth (using sea salt as well, preferably) or swish it in your mouth for a couple of minutes. There are no side effects (unlike apple cider vinegar, baking soda or other “popular” solutions).

Once you get used to the taste (which is entirely dependent on your overall health, by the way) and once you learn about the multitude of benefits urine offers, you won’t be so “grossed out” about it.

10. Use An Oral Irrigator

Buying an oral irrigator was the best thing I ever did for my teeth – ever.

What is an oral irrigator? It’s basically a device which pumps water very fast, using it to clean the hardly accessible part in your mouth and teeth.

When I first heard about it I was skeptical, of course – how is this different from a careful toothbrushing session? Isn’t it better to floss instead? That was until I learned about the stories of how much debris can come out from “hidden spots” by using this device – and how several people cured their periodontitis using only this device.

I said I’ll give it a shot and put the hype to the test. Let me attest to the fact that nothing ever comes close to the better oral cleanliness that I get after using an oral irrigator. The amount of tiny tidbits which come out from my mouth after a normal day of eating is shocking to say the last – and that’s AFTER I already have brushed my teeth thoroughly AND flossed!

You truly need to try it in order to believe it – but once you do, you’ll never go back. It’s not that expensive either – I bought a good Panasonic oral irrigator recently without breaking the bank. It uses batteries which last a whole month and you can carry it anywhere.

You can even put some drops of essential oil in water (lemon, thyme, mint or whatever you fancy) to get a fresh and nice after-taste feeling.

If you want the best for your teeth, be sure to use an oral irrigator. It’s truly one of the recent breakthroughs in oral healthcare.

11. Flossing? No Thanks!

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Flossing might not be the miracle experts claim it is

Everybody knows that flossing is good for your teeth, right? Well, the fact that everybody knows it doesn’t it make it true.

Multiple studies have shown than flossing does not simply provide the acclaimed benefits its proponents suggest. Not only that, but flossing can actually damage your gums and teeth by the repeated mechanical irritation you submit them to.

I personally have found flossing to be quite ineffective – and frankly, using an oral irrigator is much more powerful a tool (and much less time consuming) than flossing.

Maybe it’s time to rethink the importance and effectiveness of flossing and focus on more effective methods – in spite of what the media and so-called “experts” promote.

12. Limit Sugar Consumption

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Sugar is the single most damaging substance for your teeth

Everybody knows it – sugar is bad for you. Yet everybody does the opposite – they eat sugar like there is no tomorrow.

However, you might want to know how sugar impacts  your teeth. Well, to put it simply, sugar might be the single most damaging substance for your teeth.

Your mouth is a battleground – both mechanical and bacterial. The minerals you get in your diet (which are circulated through your blood into your teeth and the saliva), besides the minerals you get from your toothpaste (or, much better, sea salt) are used by the teeth to remineralize its enamel and grow stronger after the mechanical stress of chewing your food.

From a mechanical point of view, acids are the most damaging substances for your teeth. This includes acidic fruits (such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit) as well as acidic foods such as sugar, apple cider vinegar and others.

It gets more complicated, though. Processed foods and sugary foods leach minerals out of your body, which means that there will be even less available for your teeth to remineralize – which makes them progressively weaker and more damaged as time goes by.

It’s not just mechanical though. Your mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria – which isn’t all “bad”. Actually, studies have shown that 90% of our bodies are made from bacteria and only 10% are human cells – which makes us more bacteria than human. However, not all bacteria are “good” – and the ph of the mouth is what dictates which bacteria reproduce and which ones die.

If you eat too much processed foods (see hack #14) and too much sugar then the ph of your mouth will turn acidic, which in turn will encourage the “bad bacteria” to multiplicate and flourish. This is the cause of bad breath, dental plaque (the yellow layer on your teeth) and tooth decay.

These two processes are the main ways through which sugar destroys your oral health. Hopefully this will provide you more motivation to cut back on the quantity of sugar you eat.

Keep in mind that excess sugar is not found just in sweet foods but in most processed and packaged foods as well. When you find out how much sugar is in almost all foods, you will be shocked at the quantity of sugar you eat unknowingly.

13. Take It Easy With Eating Grains

Grains have been the foundation of modern civilization. The cultivation of grains have separated the era of hunter-gatherer human tribes from the era of civilized settlements and development.

Not so many people know that, in fact, our ancestors before the era of agriculture had much stronger teeth, bones and muscles than our recent ancestors, as repeated studies have shown.

Besides the lack of exercise, one of the main culprits is a diet high in grains – which replaced the wild game, wild berries, tubers and other foods the hunter-gatherers depended upon.

Why are grains so “bad” for our health? It’s mainly because of the antinutrients found in them. These antinutrients are substances which cannot be digested by our intestines – and furthermore are even damaging to our metabolism and health.

These antinutrients leach out the minerals from our bodies (hence, leading to weaker bones and teeth) similar to how sugar leaches out the minerals from our bodies.

Now I’m not saying that you should completely stop eating grains – that is a much more difficult decision for your overall lifestyle. Instead, I would invite you to research how much grains affect our health (in a negative way) and how you can, at least, reduce their quantity in your diet.

Your teeth and overall health will thank you.

14. Avoid Processed Foods In General

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Processed foods are toxic for your body and for your teeth

As we already discussed, sugar, grains and processed foods in general leach minerals from our bodies because they are, well, processed. This means that our bodies do not know how to digest them and use them properly, making them toxic for us.

Unfortunately, we reach out for processed foods when we feel stressed out (as you will learn from hack #18) which creates a vicious cycle in leaching our more minerals and creating more stress that leaches out even more minerals from the body, while also lowering their absorption from the food we ingest.

Processed foods includes anything that wouldn’t exist in nature on its own – it is man-made. Unfortunately, many other “natural” products (such as meats, rice, potatoes and others) become processed foods once they are packaged because they have many other added “hidden” ingredients which make them unnatural, unhealthy and damaging to our health.

15. Stop smoking or chewing tobacco

Besides the fact that smoking is not the best decision you could make for your overall health, it has negative consequences on your teeth as well.

This happens because smoking stains the enamel of your teeth due to the smoke, making them more yellow. But it goes further – smoking (or chewing tobacco) also negatively impacts the ph of the mouth, which overall means encouraging the multiplication of “bad bacteria”, hence increased cavities, bad breath and so on.

Chewing tobacco is even much worse as tobacco is very acidic in nature, hence hurting your gums and teeth directly.

Getting rid of secondary smoke is important too – an air purifier for smoke will help if you have a neighbor who is a chain smoker.

16. Milk is problematic (especially pasteurized)

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Milk is problematic for many people but raw milk is your best bet

Milk is a tricky subject in most nutrition discussions.

On the one hand, milk has been used as medicine and health food over millenia. Raw milk is very healthy indeed, for some people, if the source where they get it from is healthy and their bodies tolerate it. Raw milk is the type of milk you usually find at farmers markets or at farms directly.

However, not all bodies are equal. Even if raw milk is, generally speaking, very healthy, some people cannot tolerate it and it can negatively impact the overall health of your body, even your teeth. I started drinking raw milk for 2 weeks, about 2 liters daily, and saw my teeth health worsen (and I didn’t change anything else).

While raw milk may be or may be not so good for you, depending on your genes, I can assure you that pasteurized milk is definitely not good for you. Pasteurized milk is the type of milk you find in supermarkets usually, which has been boiled at very high temperatures in order to make it “safe” from “bad bacteria”.

While it may be safer (although some doubt the veracity of this claim as well), it’s definitely much less healthier as well. Because of the high temperatures it was exposed to, that milk is no longer a natural food – it is now a processed food, which will leach out minerals from your body along other damaging effects it will have on your body.

Ultimately, you need to discover if raw milk is good for you or not through your own experimentation – but I urge you to avoid any “supermarket dairy” in general as they are all pasteurized and not so healthy for your general health and teeth.

17. Stop Using Fluoride

Although fluoride is being promoted as a “teeth protector”, stopping the occurrence of cavities (on the grounds that it helps remineralize the enamel of the teeth), my experience, as well as others’, say different.

Fluoride is a mineral which is ubiquitous in toothpaste and tap water. Experts claim that it is essential for the body’s wellness, especially for teeth and bones.

However, some studies have proven that it has no protective effect whatsoever while other people claim that it is downright toxic, especially for the brain.

My experience has shown me that fluoride makes my teeth very sensitive, it diminishes their white color (making them a bit more yellow) and it even makes me feel slightly sick. This happened when I had to rely on some fluoridated water as there was no other alternative for one week.

I strongly suggest you use a toothpaste that does not include fluoride and use tap water as little as possible.

18. Minimize overall stress

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Stress is not just bad for your health, it’s bad for your teeth also

We all know stress is bad for our health and bodies – but how can it affect our teeth?

Stress (whether it is physical, mental or emotional) leaches out minerals from the body through a very complex system of hormonal, nervous and biochemical reactions. It also makes digestion poorer, which means that the body’s capacity of absorbing new minerals from the food we ingest is even lower.

This puts our teeth in a compromised position, undermining their capacity to remineralize hence making them weaker in the long run.

Stress also pushes us to eat more processed and sugary foods to feel more calm and happy, which also worsens the vicious cycle of leaching out more minerals and putting more stress on the body, damaging our oral health even more.

The body becomes more stressed when we do not get enough sleep (as you will learn in hack #19) or the quality of sleep is poor, when we over-exercise (as you will learn in hack #20), when we do not eat enough nutritious food (see hack #21) and other habits which are not conducive to long-term wellness.

19. Sleep Enough

Nobody gets enough rest. That’s because our culture is crazy about working more, living more and consuming more – while we end up doing exactly the opposite because the quality of those acts is much lower due to poor rest.

The ideal period to go to sleep is around 9-10 PM, which few of us do, unfortunately. However, those are the golden hours when our bodies need sleep the most. The later we go to bed, the less rest we actually get.

The absolute minimum sleep you should get daily is 6 hours, although it would be ideal if you could sleep at least 7 or 8 hours.

If you do not get enough rest, you put an extra strain on your body which will be translated into stress, hence an increased lack of minerals for your teeth (not to mention other multiple disadvantages for your body).

20. Take It Easy with Exercise

Excessive exercise can become damaging to your teeth

Everyone thinks exercise is the key to a healthier life – the more, the better. But how long until an excessive quantity of a “good thing” turns it into a “bad thing”?

Movement, like walking or stretching, is good for you in unlimited amounts (although you should not tire yourself endlessly, of course).

However, exercise is something else – it’s exerting the body in some sort of active movement. Any exertion is depleting, as you might guess – so it’s no wonder that excessive exercise can be bad for your health as well.

But how can exercise directly affect oral health? Again, we come back to the minerals. Through sweat, the body eliminates excess water, toxins and minerals as well. The more you sweat, the more minerals you lose – which means less minerals for the teeth to remineralize.

Exercise is a stress factor for the body – so the more exercise you do, the more you stress the body. As you previously learned, stress leaches out the minerals from the body through a cascade of complex reactions – which means, again, less minerals for the teeth to regenerate themselves.

Exercise is great for health, providing many benefits – but like anything else, strategic use is key in reaping those benefits and avoiding the downsides.

21. Eat enough calories

While few people might actually eat too little calories, I have seen its disastrous effects plenty of times – including in my case.

This happens especially in people who are very restrictive about their diets (such as vegans, fruitarians or others), and / or are experimenting with fasting.

If you are not getting enough calories, you are not getting enough minerals – and we already know what effect this has on the teeth.

Furthermore, if the body doesn’t get enough nutrition it will interpret it as a sign that it’s going through famine. Can you guess what that means? Famine equals stress. Stress equals even less minerals for the teeth. Again, a vicious cycle occurs.

That’s why it is very important to make sure to eat enough calories – especially from natural foods, not from processed foods. Quality is at least as important as quantity.

22. Brush teeth at least 2 times per day

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Brushing teeth is one of the easiest ways to improve your oral health

This is a classic strategy that you might already know, but it is worth mentioning anyway.

Brushing teeth in the morning is important because you can eliminate the “bad bacteria” which proliferate in your mouth during nighttime. This happens because we sleep with our mouth shut (usually) which creates more heat in the mouth, hence encouraging bacterial growth. The dehydration which develops over the night also contributes to this condition. This is why people have bad breath in the morning as well.

However, the most important time to brush your teeth is in the evening. This is true because that is when you have the most residue left in your mouth from the day’s eaten food – and if you leave that residue there overnight it will only encourage bacterial growth and teeth decay.

If you are going to brush only once per day, then make sure it is in the evening. However, I highly suggest you do it in the morning and the evening as well.

23. Beware Hot and Cold Foods

Teeth are not fans of extreme temperatures.

Extreme temperatures have a direct negative impact on the enamel, making teeth more sensitive. This is even more important if the teeth are already hypersensitive.

It is best to avoid extremely hot and cold foods or beverages. You can leave them to room temperature to even out their temperature.

24. Soak Nuts and Legumes

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Nuts, seeds, beans, even rice should be soaked before eating

Nuts and legumes are thought to be healthy foods – and they are, mostly.

However, like most plants, they have certain substances called antinutrients which are detrimental to our health, especially to our teeth. This means that you should take extra precautions to mitigate this risk.

You can do so by soaking them overnight, leaving them in a bowl of water and consuming them the next day.

I suggest you do this for any nuts, seeds, legumes and even rice you might want to consume. This will reduce the antrinutrient quantity in them and make them easier to digest as well.

25. Avoid acidic foods (lime, lemons, oranges)

As you already know, acidic foods are the greatest enemy of teeth enamel.

Although lime, lemons, grapefruit and oranges are healthy fruit, their juice’s direct contact with teeth is not healthy at all.

I suggest you use a straw when drinking beverages made with the juice of these fruit (like I suggest in hack #26) or limit their consumption altogether. Just the awareness of the detrimental effect of these fruit on teeth health is often enough to limit their consumption.

26. Use A Straw for Problematic Drinks

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Straws are smart ways to avoid contact between acidic liquids and teeth

Everyone loves a lemonade or orange juice. However, these drinks are not quite healthy for our teeth due to their acidic effect.

I suggest you use a straw when drinking acidic fruit juices or sugary drinks. This way you avoid the direct contact between teeth and the liquid because it goes straight into your mouth behind the teeth, making it accessible to swallow it directly.

27. Be Aware of Staining Foods

Intensely coloured foods or liquids tend to stain the teeth enamel much more easily.

Tea, coffee, red wine, sodas, dark berries, hot cocoa and chocolate are definitely in this category. This is why it is best to limit the consumption of these foods and beverages.

Additionally, you can also make sure you brush your teeth shortly after (within an hour of consuming them) so that their staining effect on the enamel is limited.

28. Keep Yourself Hydrated

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Remaining hydrated is vital for oral health

Keeping you hydrated is not just a “traditional” advice for wellness – it has a direct impact on your oral health as well.

How so? Well, think of saliva – we produce saliva in order to keep our mouth moist. Saliva also has a critical role in maintaining a balance ph in our mouth, which directly keeps bacteria under control.

Dehydration would limit saliva production, which would produce a local dehydration in the mouth. This means that the heat and unbalanced ph in the mouth will encourage “bad bacteria” to grow out of control, leading to bad breath, increased teeth decay and affecting gum health as well.

It is important to remain hydrated throughout the day, especially if you have drunk alcohol (which dehydrates deeply) or if you exercised in that day. Normally, dehydration is most intense in the morning due to the overnight period of not consuming fluids.

29. Don’t Go Crazy On Fruit Binging

Fruit is generally good for you – but like any other “good thing”, too much of it can become detrimental.

Fructose, the main type of sugar in the fruit, can leach out minerals from our body if consumed in excess quantity (just like excessive sugar does) – and you know what that means for our teeth.

Although this rarely happens for people with normal diets, many fruitarians and vegans have teeth problems (especially teeth decay) in the long run because of this.

30. Go for a Professional Dental Cleanup Regularly

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A professional dental cleanup is recommended once in a while

If you apply everything I wrote here, you will probably have a perfect dental and oral health.

However, life is far from perfect, especially with our busy schedules – and our imperfect discipline will show in our oral health as well.

I recommend you do a professional dental clean-up regularly. This means that they will remove the dental plaque from your teeth (both on the internal and external sides) and they will probably administer hydrogen peroxide for a thorough cleaning.

You can do this every 6 months, or once per year maximum. This will also help you stay on top of your oral health, meaning that if a dental cavity will develop you can stop it in time before it becomes an emergency or a much more expensive problem to handle.

Prevention is a very good strategy for your dental health so do not forget to use it.

31. Eat Foods Which Naturally Cleanse Teeth

There are some foods which can naturally help cleanse your teeth. Actually, you might have heard about this from the media or some celebrities.

For example, model Tyra Banks tried a teeth whitening trick on her show. She mashed up a couple of strawberries, rubbed this mixture on her teeth and rinsed well afterwards.

Strawberries (and berries in general) are definitely one of those foods but they are not the only ones. Foods like green leafy vegetables, apples, pears, carrots, squash, celery and others have been noted for their positive influence on dental health.

32. Get Enough Vitamin D

Vitamin D is directly responsible for many functions of the body – from a better mood to stronger bones, teeth and so on.

It is imperative that you get your vitamin D levels elevated, as most people are deficient in it (even those who live in sunny climates). Low vitamin D levels are directly correlated with poor dental health.

The easiest way to get vitamin D is to get out there in the sun and soak it in for at least 20 minutes daily. If you live somewhere where the sun is in short supply, try near infrared light therapy.

Supplementing with vitamin D is not nearly as powerful as these two strategies I suggested, but it could be helpful.

33. Get Enough Vitamin K2

Another important vitamin for oral health is vitamin K2. Like vitamin D, vitamin K2 is critical in bone formation, teeth health, coagulation and other bodily functions.

The best sources of vitamin K are grass-fed butter, liver, fish, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and Brussel sprouts.

This might seem like a long list but it contains literally everything you need to know and what to do in order to enjoy a perfect oral health.

If you manage to apply most of them, you can also heal some of your oral health issues (some people have reported healing tooth cavities as well as healing their gingivitis or periodontitis) and improve your overall health in the process.

Which strategies do you intend on implementing in your own routine? Let us know in the comments below!