Best Yoga DVDs

The Bodywisdom Yoga for Beginners is our best yoga DVDs and it is a beginner-friendly DVD program for those who want to do yoga for the first time. This DVD has a total of 8 routines that are relatively easy to follow and it has a total time of 240 minutes so you know it is jam-packed with great content. The instructor on this DVD is Barbara Benagh, who is well-renowned in the yoga industry for more than 35 years. To add to its tranquility, the filming location is set at Half-Moon Bay, Antigua, which helps you to feel more relaxed as you follow the routines taught in this DVD. Moreover, the different routines here are set for a larger demographic so it doesn’t matter if you have little time from work or school to relax because there are 20-minute routines here as well.

Our step-up pick is the Flow Yoga Air Water Tara Lee and the series in the DVD is divided into the following parts: Practice 1, Practice 2, Practice 3, Savasana and Bonus Features. The instructor is Tara Lee, who is a well-renowned yoga instructor from London and best known for her Elements of Yoga series. It has a total of 3 sequences, each running up to 20 minutes which can be played all the way or part by part. There are three additional routines in the bonus section, such as Earth Balances (9 minutes), Fire Core (11 minutes) and Air and Water Breathing (10 minutes) plus a 5-minute relaxation feature and it has a total running time of 90 minutes.

The budget pick is the Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown and it is an ideal yoga DVD for those who want to focus on strength and calorie burning. It has level 1 and level 2 workouts so it caters a wider demographic than most yoga DVDs at an affordable price and it is ideal for those who want to do yoga while slimming down. It has a total of 2 complete workouts in which each of them span at about 30 minutes or so and the well-renowned trainer of The Biggest Loser, Jillian Michaels, is the trainer for this yoga DVD.

A Little Background

Yoga is one of the most tranquil forms of exercises and workouts out there to achieve inner peace. The primary goal of doing yoga is to achieve balance and find your center through breathing techniques and special stretching techniques that act like a calming massage to let go of stress in your mind, body, heart and soul. Yoga is done almost all over the world and is a great way to calm your mind and let go of various tensions in your life that affect your health and well-being.
Unlike all other fitness routines, yoga is set to calm the mind and body, promote focus and a healing effect and also help the person alleviate depression and other health problems. While other workouts focus more on power crunches and sit-ups, yoga is more on the meditative side of inner healing and active living. Yoga is set to help you calm yourself from the hustle and bustle of your everyday life and aims to achieve a fulfillment within yourself as you perform the various routines.
Yoga is a very frequent form of meditating and relaxing while exercising at the same time. Yoga is not just for flexible people – there are many various programs and poses out there that can be done even by those who are not totally flexible or in the right shape – and this is why some yoga programs are also designed to help you slim down and achieve balance whatever your physique looks like.
Many people around the world prefer yoga for getting away from stressful jobs and daily commitments. Imagine a daily situation where you only have a few minutes of break time from work and you are super tired when you get home. You barely have enough time to make meals or take care of the kids if you’re a parent. This is why some yoga programs are short enough; let’s say 20 minutes or so, to let you do them on a daily basis.
In addition to its physical and mental benefits, yoga also aims to cure depression from those who have been going through tough times in their life, as one of yoga’s primary purposes is to spread happiness. Those with depressive states or stressful conditions in life can also benefit from doing yoga. It helps relax the mind and serves as a great non-verbal form of counseling to get over trauma, whether it’s physical, mental, social or emotional.

How We Picked

Our best yoga DVDs were picked based from:
Skill level – the yoga DVD should cater a wider demographic and larger audience and can be done by those who are new to yoga and those who are expert at yoga. This aspect pertains to the easiness of the instructions in the DVD and if newcomers to yoga can be able to do them. The instructors and / or trainers for the DVDs should be beginner-friendly and calming with their approach.
Length and amount of exercises – content is the one thing you should consider from a yoga DVD to be an effective self-teaching tool or to help you teach in any yoga class. This pertains to the run time and how each part of the program is well-structured and the number of routines included in the DVD.
Routine division – some people cannot do yoga for more than 20 minutes a day due to their busy schedule and this is why you need a yoga DVD with handy practices that can be use even by busybodies aside from those who have a ton of free time in their hands.

Our Pick

Bodywisdom Yoga for Beginners

Our best yoga DVD is the Bodywisdom Yoga for Beginners which has a total of 8 routines that are relatively easy to follow. This DVD set helps you to increase your strength day by day and it is truly a beginner-friendly DVD program for those who want to do yoga for the first time. In fact, the lessons on this DVD can improve your vitality and overall health each day and it can also make you feel younger and great inside and out.
Your flexibility is also enhanced with the exercises and routines on this instructional DVD. The program also helps you acquire a full-fledged transformation from your stressful self. The DVD itself has a total time of 240 minutes so you know it is jam-packed with great content. As a matter of fact, each workout ranges from 10 to 60 minutes so you can have more content for a single DVD. The aim of this yoga DVD is that it helps you to create a well-balanced lifestyle.
The instructor on this DVD is Barbara Benagh, who is well-renowned in the yoga industry for more than 35 years. As for the backdrop, the filming location is set at Half-Moon Bay, Antigua, which helps you to feel more relaxed as you follow the routines, taught in this DVD. Moreover, the DVD also includes an exclusive interview with the instructor for more details on living a stress-free life. Likewise, this DVD is aimed at a general audience so everyone can customize their routine depending on their personalized way of relaxation.
If you look at it, the different routines here are set for a larger demographic so it doesn’t matter if you have little time from work or school to relax because there are 20-minute routines here as well. In fact, they also have longer routines that span up to 90 minutes for those who have a lot of free time on their hands. Overall, this DVD is a great starter for any person who wants to try out yoga for the first time or on the road to recovery from injury and / or daily stressful lives.

Flaws but Not Dealbrakers

Not every yoga instructor or instructional DVD is perfect, and some users on Amazon did point out flaws for the Bodywisdom Yoga for Beginners which are however minor and nothing compared to its good key points. For instance, it is only a beginner’s DVD and not for those who want advanced techniques and stretching to increase strength.

Step-up Pick


Flow Yoga Air Water Tara Lee

For those who want a more detailed approach in yoga, you may want to choose our step-up pick, the Flow Yoga Air Water Tara Lee, which has a total of 3 sequences, each running up to 20 minutes which can be played all the way or part by part. The instructor is Tara Lee, who is a well-renowned yoga instructor from London and best known for her Elements of Yoga series.
As for the content, the series in the DVD is divided into the following parts: Practice 1, Practice 2, Practice 3, Savasana and Bonus Features. The first practice focuses on warming up and breathing techniques and some simple stretching techniques while sitting down. Next up, flowing movements are centered for the second practice part and are demonstrated with various poses, including vinyasa. And finally, twisting postures are the key points in the third practice so it is a bit more challenging for beginners but nonetheless easy to follow.
In addition to the three major parts, there are three additional routines in the bonus section, such as Earth Balances (9 minutes), Fire Core (11 minutes) and Air and Water Breathing (10 minutes) plus a 5-minute relaxation feature. In the long run, all of these make the Flow Yoga DVD set ideal for those who want to get into some serious yoga techniques. As a matter of fact, most of the techniques focus on water element postures and fluid movements and opening the heart and chest area with breathing techniques and postures. Unlike our first pick, this DVD is for all regions and it has a total running time of 90 minutes.

Budget Pick

Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown

Ideal for those who want to do yoga while slimming down, our budget pick is the Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown if you want to use yoga for fat trimming. This yoga DVD helps you to lose up to 5 pounds weekly. As for the programming, it has level 1 and level 2 workouts so it caters a wider demographic than most yoga DVDs at an affordable price.
The well-renowned trainer of The Biggest Loser, Jillian Michaels, is the trainer for this yoga DVD. The yoga DVD has a total of 2 complete workouts in which each of them span at about 30 minutes or so and the workouts come in both cool down techniques and warm-up techniques. The level 1 workout routines are for easy yoga positions that help burn fat and calories in the long run. However, for more advanced balancing and poses, you can go for the level 2 workout routines.
Available in both English and Spanish languages, the Yoga Meltdown by Jillian Michaels has a total run time of 66 minutes. It is definitely a great way to increase metabolism, lung capacity and overall fitness due to the fact that it focuses on interval training techniques and it is an ideal yoga DVD for those who want to focus on strength and calorie burning.

Best Power Yoga DVDs

Power Yoga Collection 3 Full-Length Programs

If you want to focus on power and athleticism then look no further than the Power Yoga Collection 3 Full-Length Programs. This one has a total of three full-length programs to choose from: Yoga Burn, Power Yoga and Yoga Conditioning for Athletes. The trainer for this yoga DVD is Rodney Yee.
When it comes to content, each of the practices amount to 60 minutes for a full workout, totaling to a 3-hour workout DVD. It is a truly ideal yoga DVD for athletes and those who want to increase their strength with yoga exercises. And aside from the power yoga techniques, most of its content also allows you to relax and be in a meditative state, as what yoga should really be. Highly dedicated and aimed at beginner to advanced yoga levels but you also need to have basics in yoga and terms before you start.
Generally, if you are up for some highly challenging yoga workouts then you should definitely buy this yoga DVD and add it to your collection.

Ideal Yoga DVDs for Midlife

Gentle Yoga 7 Beginning Yoga Practices

For those who want a gentler approach to yoga, you can go for the Gentle Yoga 7 Beginning Yoga Practices DVD. This is an ideal yoga for those in their midlife (such as ages 40 to 70) to improve daily energy and lengthen their life span and it is ideal for working on your core strength. The DVD includes two programs: A.M. energy and P.M. relaxation for a flexible routine of yoga practices.
Moreover, this yoga DVD can also help you improve your balance. All in all, the Gentle Yoga Practices is an ideal yoga DVD for those who often have office jobs. And to top it off, it also helps keep up a good posture a more graceful movement.
Flexibility and strength will be improved as well with this DVD. As for the routines, the morning practice spans to 18 minutes and is ideal for energizing your body while the night practice is ideal for relaxation, spanning at 29 minutes, which may also improve your sleeping habits due to midlife crisis. In addition, there is also a midday relief practice from your office work which runs at about 19 minutes or so.
Easy-to-follow flexibility training and core strength practice runs up to 34 minutes for those who want to stay athletic and physically fit even at their midlife. Moreover, the night practice also focuses on 3 targeted points specifically made for those above 40. A balance routine runs at 22 minutes for improved sense of balance. To add to that, you also get a practice guide for hip flexibility and leg standing poses for about 23 minutes.
A calming full-body practice runs at 34 minutes which is done by lying on one’s back. In addition to that, an 8-minute guided relaxation routine is also included in this DVD. Set in the backdrop beauty of Glacier National Park for a truly heartwarming and relaxing ambience, the whole DVD is divided into 7 various routines which can effectively and safely teach you up to 100 yoga poses. A yoga practitioner since 1976, Jane Adams is the trainer for this DVD that will guide those in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s and above for healthier living during their work or early retirement.

Best Traditional Technique Yoga DVDs

Namaste Yoga: The Complete First Season

The Namaste Yoga: The Complete First Season is a complete collection of inspiring traditional yoga poses and sequences. In this DVD, you are guided by Kate Potter, a well-renowned master yoga teacher. It has been filmed in various locations in the Pacific Northwest to give off a sense of tranquility and it greatly helps to calm your mind from stressful daily interactions and instances. In fact, it also helps to strengthen your body and feel youthful with each practice.
Your soul will be rejuvenated with this exceptional DVD journey as it includes hatha and vinyasa style yoga so it will definitely give you a peace of mind. The program is ideal for beginner level up to advanced level and it has a total of 13 sequences, each amounting to 22 minutes. The DVD’s content includes various standard, traditional and effective yoga poses including crane arm balance, warrior III, revolved triangle pose and more.
Moreover, the Namaste Yoga has a total of 2 discs so you get more value for your money due to the vast amount of content, totaling in 325 minutes of run time. In fact, this DVD is also on all regions.

Best Weight Loss Yoga DVDs

Biggest Loser: Weight Loss Yoga DVD

The Biggest Loser: Weight Loss Yoga DVD is a super effective yoga DVD for those who want to effectively slim down, just like from the hit NBC show “The Biggest Loser”. This slimming yoga DVD has 3 levels of workouts for burning your calories and fats away. You can effectively transform yourself within 6 to 8 weeks of constant training and relaxation with this power yoga DVD.
As for the intensity and skill level, the training / yoga regimen spans to about 55 minutes which is divided into 3 yoga workouts. Don’t worry though – in between the programs, there are also warm-up and cool-down techniques so you stay safe during the actual workouts. For added convenience, the menu option of the DVD allows you to customize depending on your daily schedule and routine preference.
Let’s break down the content. The first part is a series of vinyasa yoga exercises to enhance core strength using stretches and standing poses. Next, the second part focuses on working on backbends and abs work so it is more for body toning. Lastly, the third part is similar to working out at the gym which also has the option of using weights.
The instructor here is Bob Harper who also gives frequent safety reminders about breathing. All in all, if you’re a big fan of “The Biggest Loser” or if just want to slim down, this yoga training package is a great welcoming DVD to those who are new to yoga yet want to shed pounds with it.

Best Vinyasa Yoga DVDs


Shiva Rea Daily Energy Vinyasa Flow

An ideal vinyasa yoga DVD, you can go for the Shiva Rea Daily Energy Vinyasa Flow which has a total of 7 practice routines to learn and customize to your preferences and liking. Each of the 7 routines span to a run time of 20 minutes and all of them are dedicated to give you proper energy flow daily.
This is the perfect yoga DVD for those who live a very busy life. What’s unique about this yoga DVD is that you can go for the solar practices during the day or lunar programs during the night. You can also mix and match the routines. In addition to that, you can use programs for body toning and core strengthening or you can use them for relaxing and meditating and keeping yourself focused.
Highly recommended and ideal for those who want to do yoga on a daily basis within 20 minutes, the Shiva Rea Vinyasa Flow is a truly remarkable yoga experience. The 20-minute practices include Earth, Fire + Water (standing poses), Water, Heart + Air (back bending vinyasa), Chakra Vinyasa, Shanti (relaxation flow) and Fire (push-ups and vinyasa for energizing). The DVD also includes forward bends and counterposes for 6 minutes, core and abs strengthening for 7 minutes and a relaxation program for 6 minutes.

Best Stress Relieving Yoga DVDs

Detox Yoga Flow with Amy Schneider

An ideal detoxifying yoga DVD for strengthening your mind and body, the Detox Yoga Flow with Amy Schneider is a stress relieving yoga DVD which also improves your heart and soul due to its relaxing practices. This DVD has a total of 3 flowing yoga techniques that aims to detoxify and cleanse the body from stressful moments.
The DVD has a total of 3 programs and practices to choose from, each running up to 20 minutes. The first practice focuses on space creating and warming up the body while the second practice focuses on core strengthening and energizing flow sequences and the third practice will definitely make you sweat as it incorporates the techniques from the first and second practice. In addition to that, you also get a 10-minute series for Pilates strengthening as bonus content.
The Detox Yoga Flow eliminates negative thoughts, anxiety and depression whenever your mind is cluttered with unnecessary thoughts. The DVD has a total run time of 70 minutes and the workout program is guaranteed effective, especially for those who need to relax from stressful daily jobs or from heartbreaking moments in life.

Ideal Yoga DVDs for Beginners

Yoga for Beginners & Beyond

A great starter DVD set for beginners at yoga; the Yoga for Beginners & Beyond has A.M. and P.M. workout routines for beginners. It contains 3 programs: Yoga for Stress Relief, Essential Yoga for Inflexible People and AM-PM Yoga for Beginners and it has a total of 40 routines to follow and be relieved from stress. Each routine amounts to 15 – 60 minutes of run time.
The poses also have versions for those who are inflexible or have difficulty with the poses. In fact, there is also bonus footage of the Dalai Lama while discussing the fundamentals of Meditation.
For the different programs, each of them has various focuses. The Yoga for Stress Relief is for relieving yourself from negativity and entering into a state of relaxation and happiness which is one of the general advantages and purposes of doing yoga. The AM/PM Yoga for Beginners is for energizing yoga practices during the day and mental relaxation during nighttime and also to improve sleeping habits. Lastly, the Essential Yoga for Inflexible People is what the title says – it is designed to cater a wider demographic for those who aren’t very flexible at yoga.
The special features also have various stress relief programs. The first one focuses on daily routines you can follow to live a stress-free life and to be free from insomnia and sleeping problems while the second one is more on neck, back and shoulder pains and tensions and how to ease them and the third one focuses on mental relaxation and relief from anxiety and depression and it also includes calming exercises and breathing exercises as well.

The Competition

Other yoga DVDs out there were okay, but these are the ones that stood out based from feedback and effective results of the programs. Any yoga DVD should cater a wider demographic so that it can be easy to follow even for beginners. However, yes, it depends on your skill level as to which is the best yoga DVD for you.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

If you are interested in yoga in general, here are a couple of frequently asked questions to consider:
Q: What are some of the greatest benefits of doing yoga?
A: According to Yoga Journal , your flexibility will be improved and the correct posture can be achieved with yoga. Muscle strength is also uplifted and also, yoga is good for your bone health. Spinal disks can also be protected with yoga practices.
In fact, yoga practices promote a healthier lifestyle and yoga also envisions a happier outlook in life. If you are a person who is frequent of high blood pressure, you may want to drop it down with calming and relaxing yoga exercises. In addition, your heart rate is also improved with yoga, lowering the risks of heart attack. Also, yoga also helps treat depression, anxiety and other stressful mental and emotional problems.
Yoga is great for emotional heartbreaks and also for post-surgery recovery. In addition, your blood flow is significantly improved with yoga exercises. The sense of balance is improved with doing yoga poses. If you are having trouble sleeping or have insomnia, yoga helps you sleep better.
Moreover, some yoga practices also help you slim down with a few adjustments to the program. Adding to that, digestive problems can also be toned down with yoga.

Q: Why should you learn from an instructional DVD or video?
A: According to The University of Queensland Australia , DVDs and videos help students or learners get easy experience and fully professional learning. Videos engage the learner or student to improve their knowledge and / or skill. The demonstrations on any instructional video or DVD may help engage students, learners or casual people to watch and learn within hours of watching and play it over and over again without hiring a tutor or getting into a class. Moreover, instructional DVDs and videos are ideal for those who have little time or budget for educating themselves.

Wrapping It Up

Generally, the Bodywisdom Yoga for Beginners is our best yoga DVD that is set to change your life forever and improve your lifestyle as well as keep your stress-free.