12 Health Benefits of Peaches, According to Science (+10 Peach Recipes)

The first fruit cultivated in China and spread all across the globe, peaches are popular for their sweet taste and velvety skin. Between peaches and other fruits of the same class such as plums or nectarines, peaches have the characteristic of fuzzy skin and they’re extremely nutritious.

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The paramount benefits of peaches are skin care, cancer prevention, anti-aging healing properties, and relief from neurodegenerative diseases. It also helps improve digestive health and cellular health, thanks to its high vitamins, fiber, and minerals quantity. You won’t get enough of delicious peach slices to go with your salads and daily meals. A great way to cut back on nibbling at fried chips, snacks, and other unhealthy foods.

1. Peaches Play an Important Role in Supporting Your Skin

Peaches contain strong antioxidants like vitamin C, that when consumed on a daily basis, helps combat skin conditions such as wrinkles, acne, dryness, etc. It helps fight inflammation caused by environmental factors such as UV radiation and pollution.

A study focused on the relationship between vitamin C and skin found that antioxidants can do what most sunscreens cannot. They provide genuine and complete protection against the many health risks arising from exposure to the sun’s UV rays. (2)

This can prevent the proliferation of skin cancer cells, melanoma, and skin aging symptoms.

Another study established that vitamin C helps in skin regeneration as it heals damaged cells of the human skin with an increase in intake. It prevents formation of free radicals on a cellular level which also restricts DNA damage. Vitamin C dramatically enhances the production of fibroblasts that repair DNA damage. (3)

So by eating more peaches on a day-to-day basis, the increased intake of vitamin C is known to alleviate all skin-related problems while contributing to repair damaged skin cells due to environmental or genetic factors.

Key Takeaway: All skin problems associated with UV radiation exposure, genetic factors such as aging, wounds, cancer, etc. can be treated and prevented by eating healthy peaches. A single cup of peach slices contain plenty of vitamin C for you to strengthen your skin cell’s defense system.

2. The Phenolic Compounds Present in Peaches May Decrease Cholesterol Levels

A study to find a positive link between phenolic compounds and cholesterol in rat was conducted with the conclusion that such compounds have cholesterol-lowering benefits with an importance given to healthy liver functions. (4)

A high cholesterol level in the bloodstream can inevitably combine with other substances and block arteries and tissue walls. This leads to plaque buildup, inhibiting proper blood flow from system to system in the body.

Peaches contain high active phenolic compounds or phytochemicals tend to decrease cholesterol levels in the blood by lowering lipoprotein density, which is considered a “bad” cholesterol. It also decreases total saturated fatty acid content in the human body with regard to lowering cholesterol levels.

If you are more likely to have a high cholesterol level, that if you eat more unhealthy and fatty foods, you can dramatically alter your body’s response by eating more peaches. Coupled with regular exercise, it can influence the way your body copes with unhealthy foods.

Key Takeaway: Peaches are very low in cholesterol and calories, making them a good source of phenolic compounds to boost proper blood flow and reduce cholesterol levels.

3. Peaches are Good Sources of Vitamins and Beta-Carotene to Protect Eye Vision

Studies suggest that nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and beta-carotene play an important role in reducing the risk of eye diseases. The deficiency of any one nutrient can disrupt eye development and maintenance in both children and adults.

Age-related macular degeneration can cause vision loss if left untreated. A study suggests that a higher intake of antioxidants including vitamin C and beta-carotene can lower the progression of AMD in the eyes. It could have long-term eye health benefits for people who ate vitamin C and beta-carotene rich fruits everyday. (5)

Vitamin C also provides adequate protection of the eye and brain for its proper functioning. According to this study, high amounts of vitamin C is required for the retina in the eye to function without fault. It also prevents glaucoma by providing neuroprotection for the retina. (6)

Lastly, vitamin A deficiency in the human body causes congenital eye malformations. This causes small eyes, vision loss, and other eye deformities if the condition gets worse. Retinol is an essential protein that transports vitamin A in the body. When the proteins are damaged and unable to transport vitamin A to the brain, it disrupts proper eye function. (7)

Key Takeaway: The combination of vitamin A, vitamin C, and beta-carotene helps the eye against cataracts, vision loss, and other age-related diseases such as macular degeneration.

4. Peaches Combat Low Potassium Levels to Prevent Chronic Heart and Kidney Diseases

A recent study indicates that very low potassium levels cause heart failure and kidney diseases in humans.

Even a below the mark decrease in potassium levels in the body can increase the risk of developing chronic heart diseases often leading to heart failure and chronic kidney disease.

The study took into account 1,044 patients with heart failure and chronic kidney disease. Based on their medical data, it was found that 48% of people had low potassium levels or hypokalemia while only 36% had normal potassium levels. Meanwhile, a whopping 87% of people showed a mild decrease in potassium level count. (8)

To prevent the onset of such harmful health risks, increasing your daily potassium intake by consuming more peaches is essential. It helps you be aware of the risks and take suitable steps to combat low potassium levels of hypokalemia accordingly.

Key Takeaway: Peaches are very good sources of potassium. They help prevent heart failure and chronic kidney disease in patients with low potassium levels in the body. If you are diagnosed with hypokalemia, then adding peaches to your diet may be helpful.

5. Peaches Can Destroy Even the Most Aggressive Cancer Cells in the Body

Breast cancer cells, based on their specific type, are the most dangerous and aggressive cancer cells. Like any cancer cells, breast cancer cells grow out of control in the breast, only faster than other types of cancer cells found in the human body.

They spread to other organs in the body once they get into the bloodstream or the lymph system. (9)

The antioxidant capacity and phytochemicals found in peaches are superior to other types of nutrients for the prevention and treatment of cancer cells. It contains high anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties such as chlorogenic acid and neochlorogenic acid.

These two compounds provide exceptional combatting powers against the breast cancer cells without causing any damage to normal, healthy cells in the human body.

Compared with chemotherapy that does some damage to healthy cells while inhibiting cancer cells from proliferating, eating peaches on a daily basis may help you cope with the negative effects of other cancer treatments.

Key Takeaway: High doses of phytochemicals such as chlorogenic and neochlorogenic acids appear to kill the most aggressive cancer cells without affecting the normal ones. In most instances, they’re much more safer than cancer treatments such as chemotherapy.

6. Peach Benefits in Pregnancy for Proper Brain Development and Strength

Pregnancy is hard on both the mother-to-be and the baby growing inside her. A pregnant mother needs double the nutrients a normal healthy individual needs on a daily basis. That’s why the phrase “eating for two” makes sense, even for a healthy diet.

Vitamin C deficiency in pregnant women can cause severe fetal brain damage, inhibiting further brain development of the baby. In order to transport substances from the mother to fetus, vitamin C is an essential nutrient. The kind of brain damage done to the baby is irreversible and can have serious birth defects once the baby is born.

A minor vitamin C deficiency can impact the hippocampus which is an important memory centre of the brain. A lot of emphasis has been placed on women who smoke and live an unhealthy lifestyle are most likely to face vitamin C deficiency during pregnancy. (10)

Hence, eating peaches for its high vitamin C content is important to stimulate proper fetal brain development.

Key Takeaway: In one study, higher doses of vitamin C was effective at restricting fetal brain damage in pregnant mothers. Peaches contain high amounts of vitamin C so encouraging a vitamin C-rich diet for a healthy baby is extremely helpful.

7. Peaches Improve Folate Levels Which May Lower the Risk of Depression

The importance of proper serotonin function in the brain for curbing mood swings and depression has been established for several decades.

Lower serotonin levels can also mean folate deficiency in the body, a study suggests. The clinical effects of folate on cognitive function focuses on curbing depressive symptoms and mood regulation.

Depression is also known as clinical depression can cause serious health risks including lack of appetite, bipolar disorders, fatigue, and sudden weight changes, many digestive problems, etc. It’s a serious medical condition that requires immediate medical and therapeutic attention. (11)

One of the most effective methods of treating depression is with an increased diet of folate-rich fruits including peaches. A constant folate supplement, in the form of healthy fruits, can impact serotonin levels dramatically. It enhances serotonin metabolism. (12)

A substantial increase in folate nutrients might help keep depressive symptoms at bay and produce more energy in the body for a healthy lifestyle.

Key Takeaway: Depression is one of the major mental disorders in the world. It can be triggered by environmental, psychological, genetic, or biological factors. Studies suggest that low serotonin levels are linked with folate deficiency that is one of the major causes of depression.

8. Fighting Obesity and Diabetes is Easier With Peaches Supplementation

Peaches are very low in calories and good sources of bioactive compounds such as anthocyanins, clorogenic acids, quercetin, and catechins. All these compounds work on different scales to fight free radical damage and inflammation that leads to diabetes and obesity.

It also shows positive benefits towards metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and excessive fats in the body. All these factors contribute to the development of diabetes in the human body. (13)

For diabetes, these bioactive compounds repair diabetic phenotypes and enhance insulin secretion for proper regulation. They also stimulate proper beta-cell preservation. (14)

Bioactive compounds decrease total body fat and improve the body’s hyperglycemia function for treating health risks arising from obesity. They are metabolically active agents that ensure swift digestive function and food absorption in the body. (15)

The direct effects of these bioactive compounds present in peaches enhance various metabolic processes in the human body, study suggests. Coupled with the vitamins, minerals, and fiber present in peaches, they all work in combination to protect the body from damaging cells and immune-related complications that could give rise to diabetes.

Key Takeaway: Peaches are one of the best fruits for fighting obesity and diabetes in people with abnormal metabolic and blood pressure levels. The bioactive compounds present in peaches boost insulin secretion and enhance beta-cell function for the prevention of type 1 and 2 diabetes.

9. Peaches Can Help Cure Anemia

Anemia occurs when the red blood cells, responsible for carrying oxygen to different parts of the body, are lacking. Another defect can be lack of haemoglobin in red blood cells. Haemoglobin is a substance used by red blood cells to carry for proper oxygen transportation.

Anemia can cause many health risks including tiredness, depression, muscle weakness, lack of concentration, etc. A lack of folic acid or folate in your diet for a long time can cause anemia in most people, especially in pregnant women, a study suggests. (16,17)

Due to the physiological changes during pregnancy, the body requires more nutrients for the increase in plasma and erythrocytes in women. Due to this alteration, red blood cells multiply in intensity to meet the needs of oxygen transportation to all organs, muscles, and bones in the body.

Nutrients such as folic acid, iron, and vitamins are required for the production of red blood cells. Secondly, consumption of folic acid can curb problems arising in the nervous system, heart, and other metabolic systems required for smooth functioning of the body.

Key Takeaway: Adequate amounts of folate in your diet are essential for preventing anemia. It encourages the production of red blood cells for proper oxygen transportation to all parts of the body, including the bones and muscles.

10. Peaches Contain Niacin That Have a Positive Effect on Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a heart disease that is characterized by plaque buildup in the arteries, restricting blood flow to parts of the body. With time, clots such as these harden and block your arteries. This type of plaque buildup is made up of substances such as cholesterol, calcium, fat, and other unabsorbed nutrients found in the blood.

The serious health risks of atherosclerosis include heart failure, coronary heart disease, heart attack, or even stroke. Some severe cases can also lead to death. (18)

To treat and prevent the symptoms of atherosclerosis, an increased diet of niacin is essential. Based on a recent study, niacin is proven to reduce low density lipoproteins (LDL) in the blood. LDL is one of the serious cholesterols that spike cholesterol levels causing cardiovascular diseases.

Niacin has anti-inflammatory properties that also contribute to lowering free radical-induced oxidative stress in the arteries and blood. It can reverse the proliferation of atherosclerosis in patient with a higher risk of abnormal cholesterol levels. (19)

Key Takeaway: Peaches are loaded with niacin, an anti-inflammatory and anti-hypertensive compound that is responsible for lowering LDL and cholesterol levels in humans. This helps prevent atherosclerosis in healthy individuals which is the narrowing of the arteries due to plaque buildup.

11. Zinc Present in Peaches Can Reduce Inflammation in Older Adults

Lots of environmental, genetic, and biological factors come into play when we talk about inflammation in humans. Especially for older adults, inflammation is a major contributor to cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, cancer, diabetes, etc.

A new research suggests that zinc deficiency in older adults plays a role in why people are more likely to get affected by specific chronic diseases. Zinc is an essential nutrient present in the blood for DNA creation, repair, and overall health. It is also an important nutrient for homeostasis. (20)

During zinc deficiency in the human body, inflammatory compounds get activated resulting in more inflammation and oxidative stress. Zinc directly impacts function on the cellular level and it also regulates cytokine protein. (21)

Even though zinc is present in small amounts in a handful of foods, peaches are very good sources zinc. A moderate diet of peaches thrice a week can help prevent zinc deficiency in older adults.

Key Takeaway: Zinc may help prevent inflammation in elderly people. It combats against improper immune function in the cells and plays an important role in the homeostasis function of the human body. Compared with other types of nutrients, a moderate amount of zinc in the blood is required for proper regulation.

12. The Minerals Present in Peaches are Beneficial for Bone Health

Bones support your entire body system from literally breaking down. There’s significant emphasis placed on the importance of certain minerals such as zinc, copper, manganese, iron, and calcium for strengthening bones and preventing severe bone diseases.

Peaches contain plenty of potassium, manganese, zinc, iron, calcium, and copper for your daily diet. This prevents bone loss and supports joint and cartilage from inflammation and other age-related diseases such as arthritis.

One of the major chronic bone diseases is osteoporosis that generally affects older adults. It is characterized by damaged and weak bones and joints leading to frequent fractures and inflexibility. (22)

Studies suggest that due to mineral deficiency in the body, people are more likely to experience chronic bone diseases such as fractures, arthritis, and osteoporosis. The amount of minerals present in fruits such as peaches alleviate joint stiffness and pain. It also encourages faster bone recovery from breaks and fractures.

Another major risk factor of inadequate intake of minerals is the development of persistent hip fractures. For bone health, a daily intake of 245-260mg of minerals per day is a good amount for living an active lifestyle. Coupled with regular exercise, eating peaches to suit the body’s needs reduces bone pressure and enhance bone mineral density.

Key Takeaway: There’s a dynamic relationship between a sufficient mineral intake and optimal bone health. For proper skeleton development in infants and children, daily consumption of peaches is very important. Also, for adults and elders, the prevention of chronic bone diseases may be prevented with a sufficient mineral-rich diet.

What To Look Forward To

Now that we’ve discovered that peaches contain good amounts of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and bioactive compounds for promoting health and well-being. It’s time to smoke out some healthy and delicious peach recipes for this summer season. You can make the most of this lush fruit in meals as well as drinks.

Once you choose a fragrant and fleshy peach, along with its many health benefits you can add them into your diet baked, mashed, pureed, or even fried. There’s so many ways to do peaches coupled with some great recipe ideas I’ve got for you here! So, shall we begin?

1. Peach Lemonade

A fresh arrangement of peaches and lemon juice, this summer drink is a crowd pleaser!


4 cups - drinking water

2 - chopped peaches

1 cup - cooking sugar

3/4 cup - fresh lime juice

1 - sliced medium lemon

Fresh mint leaves for garnishing


  1. To make peach sugar syrup, combine peaches, 2 cups water, and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to boil and cook for 7 minutes. Set aside.

  2. In a large jar, add peach sugar syrup, lime juice, and water. Mix well.

  3. Garnish with fresh mint leaves and lemon slices. Serve chilled.

2. Grilled Peaches with Honey

Honey brings out the best of all kinds of juicy fruits. Try these grilled peaches as a simple brunch recipe starting today.


4 - medium peaches

4 tbsp - honey

4 tsp - cinnamon

1 tbsp - brown sugar

Flavored ice-cream, if desired


  1. Cut the pitted peaches in two halves.

  2. Coat with 1/2 tbsp honey on each peach.

  3. Combine with cinnamon and brown sugar.

  4. Place on a baking trap and grill for 4-5 minutes. Serve warm with ice-cream or yogurt.

3. Summer Peach Pie

This pie just reminds us how delicious peaches taste baked. Try this classic peach pie recipe as the hearty dessert your family will love you for.


2 - pie crust (homemade or store-bought)

4 cups - peaches, sliced

1 cup - cooking sugar

2 tbsp - sugar, for topping

3 tbsp - flour

2 tbsp - butter, melted


  1. Bake one pie crust according to instructions. Freeze until use. Roll the second dough and make 1-inch strips. Refrigerate until use.

  2. In a saucepan, combine peaches, flour, and sugar. Cook for 10 minutes until syrup blends well. Set aside to cool.

  3. Pour peach syrup into the first pie crust and spread crust dough strips in a pattern (lattice). Coat with melted butter and add 2 tbsp sugar.

  4. Bake in a 425 degrees preheated oven for 30 minutes. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool. Serve fresh.

4. Peach Jam

Peaches are no exception to jams! Bring out the sweet and fragrant flavor of peaches on toasted bread with tea for breakfast tomorrow morning.


4 - peaches, medium

2 1/2 cups - cooking sugar

1 - fresh lemon juice


  1. Combine lemon juice with peaches in a saucepan. Cook until jam-like consistency.

  2. Add sugar and bring to a boil. Cook on low heat for 25 minutes. Refrigerate in glass jars.

5. Classic Peach Cobbler

For a sweet summer appetizing dessert, this cobbler recipe won’t even last for the entire day.


2 cans - peaches

1 stick - butter, softened

1 cup - all-purpose flour

1 cup - cooking sugar

1 cup - coconut or whole milk


  1. Combine flour, milk, sugar, and peach syrup in a bowl.

  2. On a baking tray, spread melted butter and pour peach mixture on top. Cover with canned peaches on top of the mixture. Bake in a 350 degrees preheated oven for 60 minutes. Set side. Serve fresh.

6. Peach Pie

All is well when pie is on the table, right? Try this old-fashioned classic peach pie recipe for your next family get-together.


3/4 cup - brown sugar, packed

2 tbsp - cornstarch

1 tsp - cinnamon

1/4 tsp - ginger

1/8 tsp - salt

6 cups - peaches, sliced

2 tbsp - lime juice

2 - pie crust dough

1 - beaten egg


  1. Combine cornstarch, ginger, salt, brown sugar, and cinnamon in a bowl. Add lime juice and peaches. Mix well.

  2. Pour peach mixture on top of one pie crust and let it set for a few minutes. Place the other pie crust on top of the peach filling and cut vents in a lattice pattern on top. Coat with egg and sprinkle 1 tbsp of sugar.

  3. Bake in a 400 degrees preheated oven for 40 minutes. Set aside to cool. Serve fresh.

7. Rolled Peach Dumplings

Why go with the same old boring dessert when you can have rolled peach dumplings tonight?


8 ounce - crescent rolls

1 stick - butter, unsalted

3/4 cup - sugar, brown

1 tsp - vanilla

2 tsp - lime juice

1 cup - soda, orange

3 - medium peaches


  1. Cut peaches into 6 slices each. Roll each peach slice into crescent rolls and place in a buttered baking dish.

  2. Combine cinnamon, sugar, juice, and vanilla in a saucepan. Set side until thickened.

  3. Transfer syrup on top of the buttered dumplings. For perfect baking, pour soda on the edges of the buttered dish.

  4. Bake in a 350 degrees preheated oven for 40 minutes. Garnish with cinnamon and sugar. Serve warm.

8. Creamy Peach Bars

Serve some palatable peach bars for tea-time and you’ll find yourself nibbling at these for years.


1 box - cake mix

1/3 cup - softened butter

2 - eggs

1 - diced peaches

8 ounce - cream cheese

1/2 cup - cooking sugar

2 tsp - vanilla extract


  1. Mix egg with butter in a small bowl using a fork. Remove 1 1/3 cup from the mixture. Set aside.

  2. Transfer remaining crumbs on a pan sprayed with cooking oil. Pressed down firmly. Bake in a 350 degrees preheated oven for 10 minutes.

  3. Add diced peaches on top of the baked crust.

  4. Combine sugar, 1 egg, cream cheese, and vanilla extract in a blender. Pour over the diced peaches and spread evenly. Coat with remaining crumbs that were set aside.

  5. Bake for 32-35 minutes and set aside to cool for 20 minutes. Serve chilled.

9. Savory Peach Pepper Jam

Preserve some spicy jalapenos with sweet peaches in jars for a hard-hitting, but relishing spread. It’s a modern take on a classic fruit recipe.


4 cups - peaches, chopped

1 - red pepper, chopped

4 jalapenos, chopped

1/2 tsp - lemon zest

1 tbsp - vinegar

1 box - pectin powder

5 cups - cooking sugar, white


  1. Combine peaches, red pepper, lemon zest, vinegar, and powder in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Add sugar and simmer for a minute.

  2. Pour peach jam into glass jars and refrigerate to serve.

10. Fresh Peach Muffins

Enjoy these hearty and beautiful peach muffins fresh out of the oven. Exactly how the chefs bake it!


2 1/2 cups - flour

2 1/2 tsp - baking powder

3/4 tsp - salt

3/4 cup - white sugar

2 - eggs

1/2 cup - milk

1 stick - butter, unsalted

1 1/4 cups - peaches, chopped

Sanding sugar for garnishing

Sliced peaches


  1. Combine baking powder, salt, and all-purpose flour in a bowl. Set aside.

  2. Combine milk, butter, sugar, and eggs in a bowl. Set aside.

  3. Combine both mixtures together. Add peaches.

  4. Divide batter evenly with one or two slices of peach in a single muffin cup. Bake in a 350 degrees preheated oven for 22 minutes. Set aside for 5 minutes to cool. Serve fresh.

Wrapping It Up

Now that we’ve established that peaches are good for cardiovascular health, bone health, cognitive development, cellular health, and anti-aging benefits, it’s time to wrap up this article with some forethought. When you set out to become fit and active, certain lifestyle changes are inevitable. You need to eat healthy fruits and vegetables, drink more water, and exercise more regularly. But doing even on thing in extremity might do you more harm than good.

Research has shown us that indulging in personal desires, especially with food, is good until overdone. What I mean to say is that all sorts of healthy fruits and vegetables consumed in moderation is essential. As with peaches, only a sufficient amount of intake on a daily or weekly basis is healthy for you. Eating too many peaches at once may cause food allergies and other respiratory problems in the long run. So to proceed with caution, allow yourself a set diet to follow and make alterations to it on a weekly basis. This’ll help you make the most out of peaches the right way.