Everything you want to stay on top of when it comes to apricot fruits, you’ll find useful information here. If you didn’t already know this, apricots have been cultivated and devoured since ancient times. Plus, apricots are famous in all forms. Which means you can eat them raw, cook them, and dried apricots are considered leading products across the globe.
Containing a good amount of vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, copper, fiber, and antioxidants, apricots are one of the healthiest fruits to have. The impact of this fruit on an healthy individual is remarkable. It provides genuine protection against cancer, age-related diseases, inflammation, and heart problems.
With the number of nutrients apricots boast of, they have the capability to promote health and lifestyle in the most effective manner. That said, the many health benefits of apricots, according to science, are listed below.
1. The Potassium Present in Apricots Prevent Hypokalemia
Hypokalemia is a condition that arises with low potassium levels in the bloodstream. You need potassium in your blood to regulate normal nerve functioning and heart health. It also ensures proper functioning of your body’s muscle cells.
A low potassium count in your bloodstream, that is, if it’s less than 2.5 mmol/L mean you have hypokalemia. Along with medical attention you require a healthy lifestyle diet to up the scales of your potassium level. I found that all the symptoms of hypokalemia can be ameliorated by regularly eating apricots. (1)
Apricots are a good source of healthy potassium. To increase your potassium intake, consuming a handful of apricots everyday is a good way to go. Hypokalemia can cause serious kidney failure and cardiac problems. Which is why staying active and healthy is very important to prevent serious consequences. (2)
Key Takeaway: The treatment of hypokalemia includes potassium supplements and a healthy apricots diet. For people struggling with heart diseases, hypokalemia is most likely to happen. It can cause constipation, fatigue, and weakness. You can protect yourself against all these symptoms by including healthy apricots into your diet.
2. Apricots Relieve Severe Constipation
Constipation is a widespread condition that requires immediate recovery. If you want to live your best life with no metabolic irregularities, constipation is the most major condition to avoid.
Regulating the proper functioning of your bowels takes both a healthy diet and lots of physical exercise. And it can happen for lots of reasons, some of them including dehydration, lack of fiber intake, eating disorders, stress, and hypothyroidism.
That said, apricots contain not only dietary fiber crucial for treating constipation, but they also contain natural antioxidants that reduce inflammation for proper metabolic regulation. You need diets that are exuberant with fiber that’ll keep constipation at bay.
The fibers present in apricots influence your body’s gastric and digestive juices. These juices then fasten the process of breaking down food and absorption into your bloodstream. Which smoothens muscle movement and organ coordination in the body. (3,4)
Key Takeaway: Constipation is a very common problem today, especially with people who live an unhealthy lifestyle containing excessive junk food and no regular exercise. To cure constipation, you need a fiber-rich diet on a day-to-day basis. Apricots contain a good amount of fiber which activate our body’s digestive system.
3. Rich in Vitamin C and Beta-Carotene, Apricots are Good for Dementia
Dementia is not registered as a specific disease as it is a general collection of specific symptoms that include memory loss, lack of judgement, and cognitive decline.
Many elders deal with memory loss as an age-related disorder. This also leads to lack of ability and communicative skills. People with dementia require a vitamin and beta-carotene-rich diet for regular functioning of the mind and body.
The dietary antioxidants and vitamins present in apricot lowers the risk of dementia and influences the cognitive processes of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. To promote proper cognitive functioning which is responsible for influencing the development of Alzheimer’s, vitamin C reduces the level of stress in control subjects. (5)
The vitamin C and beta-carotene content found in apricots prevent the proliferation of AD cells and such cognitive stressors in the body.
Key Takeaway: If you or your loved one is struggling with dementia as a consistent condition, dietary changes cannot be ignored. Apart from medical attention, the maximum benefits of apricot in balancing your cognitive abilities is remarkable. They help you repair damaged cells faster and fight possible symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
4. Apricots Dramatically Helps in Treating Anemia
Apricots are antioxidant fruits. They contain high amounts of iron for proper non-heme iron absorption in the body. The lack of sufficient iron and copper in the body helps in the formation of anemia.
The combination of iron and copper work for proper metabolic function and red blood cell formation. Apricots are rich with healthy iron and copper nutrients. These play a crucial role for felicitous stimulation like oxygen is for the lungs.
Anemia can also occur when there’s insufficient hemoglobin, an iron-rich protein, in the body. Long-lasting anemia can have serious consequences on your heart, brain, liver, and other organs. And in very few cases, it could lead to death.
Eating apricots regularly can increase your red blood cell production and influence good absorption in the body. Your body needs a iron-rich diet for optimal stimulation. What’s more, apricots also contain vitamin C which are essential for producing more red blood cells in the body. (6)
Key Takeaway: Apricots help for red blood productions which prevent the development of anemia in the body. Without sufficient iron and copper intake, patients can experience severe weakness, fatigue, and other digestive problems.
5. Apricots Help Neutralize the Dangerous Effects of Free Radical Damage
For a better understanding of how free radicals function in our body, let me tell you where an overwhelming amount of free radicals come from. The production of free radicals in the body come from external stimulus or sources such as from cigarette smoking, radiation, pollution, and industrial chemicals.
For proper human body functioning, you need balanced levels of free radical and oxidants in the body. Because not only free radicals are highly reactive and dangerous. That said, the combination of free radicals and oxidative stress is necessary for physiological function.
Just when free radical exceed the body’s ability to fight against inflammation and other diseases, it leads to oxidative stress. The number of antioxidants present in apricots resist free radical damage in the body. It plays an important role in guarding against human diseases due to genetic or environmental factors. (7)
Key Takeaway: Healthy apricots are nutritious sources of antioxidants. Regular consumption of these natural fruits will help you defend against free radical damage by getting rid of highly reactive toxins from the body. They also guard against cellular damage caused by oxidative stress.
6. Apricots Cure Vitamin C Deficiency which can Lead to Sensitive Skin
A vitamin C deficiency impair skin care treatments, regardless of the effective creams or solutions to use. To protect your skin from environmental factors such as harmful sun rays and pollution, vitamin C plays a vital role. It also heals and guards the skin from cellular DNA damage arising from oxidation.
It reduces sunburns, rashes, acne, discoloration, and such sensitive skin conditions. It also has positive benefits of treating age-related skin signs such as wrinkles, blemishes, etc. (8)
Apricots contain the highest content of vitamin C. Eating apricots regularly cures vitamin C deficiency linked to severe skin diseases and skin cancer. The vitamin C present in apricots are responsible for healthy skin regeneration. The scope of skin cancer, free radical damage, and cellular DNA damage caused by both environmental and internal factors can have serious effects on your skin. Vitamin C penetrates deep into the cellular level to activate proper vitamin absorption in the body.
Key Takeaway: Vitamin C nutrients are very important. They have all sorts of positive effects on the human body, starting from skin care. It may help prevent skin diseases by regulating a daily vitamin C intake. Apricots can improve, heal, and resist many skin diseases and skin cancer.
7. Eating Apricots on a Daily Basis Reduces Level of Lead in the Blood
Lead poisoning is a serious condition targeting infants, children, and teenagers.
One study claims that lead poisoning leads to lower IQ levels and impaired learning. Both symptoms that are irreversible in developing brains. Excessive lead content in the body interferes with our brain’s primary center of learning. What’s more, it even alters nerve cells responsible for learning. (9)
To cure high levels of lead in the body, patients require a daily dose of iron supplements or natural iron-rich fruits such as apricots. To curb iron deficiency and lead poisoning, a iron-rich dietary lifestyle is essential. It reduces blood lead concentration and increases iron absorption in the bloodstream.
The habitual consumption of apricots in the patient’s lifestyle will leave behind permanent cognitive damage and recuperate against brain damage. (10)
Key Takeaway: Severe lead poisoning has harmful ramifications on the human body. And since it occurs in the developing brains of children, the exposure of such inflammation can dramatically hinder cognitive and brain functioning. The iron content present in apricots can avert iron deficiency and lead poisoning effectually.
8. Apricots are a Powerful Anti-Cancer Fruit
People consume healthy apricot seeds as a snack everyday, but a lesser known fact is that they contain many anti-cancer benefits for the human body.
They contain laetrile or vitamin B17, which is an essential chemical used for cancer treatment. One study shows that this chemical has positive effects on reducing cell death for prostate cancer. It can be consumed along with dietary supplements to prevent excessive levels of laetrile in the body. (11)
There have been studies that claim laetrile restricts the growth of primary tumors cells in the body. With sufficient dose of apricot seeds, it may offer natural benefits to treating malignant and benign tumors in the human body.
Key Takeaway: Apricots are healthy fruits to eat on a regular basis for the prevention and treatment of cancer. They save the body from the proliferation of different types of tumors caused by cell damage.
9. Apricots Contain Good Amounts of Iron
Iron is an essential nutrient for proper physiological function. Any sort of nutrient deficiency is not good. It causes severe diseases that hinders your overall body functioning.
As with iron, Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is a commonly known condition that could lead to possible hearing loss. If left untreated, it could lead to permanent hearing loss for adults.
A study conducted on adults suffering from hearing loss, showed that IDA played a significant role for the cause of it. There was a clear link between IDA patients and hearing loss, which is why preventing iron deficiency is very important. (12)
Apricots are healthy fruits known for its iron content. It prevents the development of anemia, as I’ve already discussed above, and when coupled with the vitamin content, it’s helpful for balancing hemoglobin levels in the body.
That said, another study suggests that regular intake of iron shows higher fitness improvements and cognitive levels in women with low iron levels in the body. It is appropriate for treating various nutrient deficiencies in the body. (13)
Key Takeaway: Apricots contain many healthy benefits, one of them being that they’re good sources of dietary iron. The health benefits of iron include anemia prevention, proper production of red blood cells, cognitive enhancement, and cancer prevention.
10. The Vitamins Present in Apricots Enhance Anti-Aging Properties for the Skin
Apricots contain a good amount of vitamin C and vitamin A. It also contains tiny amounts of vitamin E and K which are good for anti-aging effects in the human body.
The basic vitamin needs make up your body’s overall physiological functioning. Factors such as stress levels, emotional health, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices. Paired with the number of natural antioxidants present in apricots, the vitamins promote cell growth and health nourishment.
The vitamin C present has powerful antioxidants benefits as it encourages the growth of collagen and keratin in the body. These two compounds are essential for skin regeneration and protection. Moreover, the vitamin E content promotes proper cardiovascular health which reduce the drastic effects of aging in the body.
I also found that brain and tissue health are significant for skin care treatments. It helps restrict the formation of skin diseases and inflammation. As with the vitamins present in apricots, they penetrate deep into your skin’s cellular levels for smooth proliferation of healthy skin cells. (14)
Key Takeaway: Apricots have a good variety of vitamins with powerful antioxidant properties for treating age-related skin conditions. It is way more nutritious than most other fruits, thanks to its vitamin A, C, and E content.
11. Apricots Shield Against Bone Damage
To protect bone health and limit the risk of any bone-related disease such as osteoporosis and arthritis, potassium salts present in apricots play an important role.
Regular intake of potassium improves bone health in many ways including reducing bone resorption, increase bone density, and neutralizing bone mineral. Eating more potassium-rich fruits like apricots aid in health bone regeneration as it reduces the amount of calcium and acid in urine.
Bone damage leads to frequent fractures, joint pain, and osteoporosis. People over the age of 50 struggle with severe bone health due to weak bones. This is also caused by potassium deficiency in the body.
To strengthen bones and improve better resistance for movement, balanced levels potassium can improve bone mineral density. It stimulates better calcium absorption and neutralizes excessive acid in the bloodstream. (15)
Key Takeaway: Potassium found in apricots are essential for bone regeneration and bone health. It can improve bone mineral density and cause a significant improvement in poor bone health.
12. Apricot Oil has Powerful Anti-Asthmatic Properties
Asthma is a chronic lung disease that leads to swollen and damaged bronchial tubes. Anything that triggers your airway system, usually causes your airways to swell up and restrict proper passing of air in and out of your lungs.
The symptoms of asthma are shortness of breath, coughing, inflexible chest movement, and sensitivity to environmental factors.
There are many types of asthma including allergic asthma, exercise-induced asthma, childhood asthma, and occupational asthma. Each feature their own symptoms and treatment, but to sum it up, a graspable and healthy diet can aid in the prevention and treatment of asthmatic symptoms. (16)
Apricots, on one hand, feature powerful expectorant qualities to alleviate chest pressure on the respiratory system. Apricot oil, in sufficient amounts, can be used for treating coughing, swollen airways, and shortness of breath. It also consists of powerful anti-inflammatory benefits essential for proper stimulation of lungs against the harmful symptoms of asthma. (17)
13. The Antioxidants in Apricots Prevent Diabetes Complication
Consuming apricots can improve your body’s immune system from developing diabetic symptoms.
In a study conducted on patients, there was an 18% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The presence of dietary nutrients in apricots including antioxidants, vitamins, and other anti-inflammatory compounds play an important role in preventing such drastic symptoms. (18)
On the other hand, the dietary fiber content of apricot pulp show positive effects to relieve the symptoms of diabetic rats, a study suggests. (19)
These anti-diabetic properties of apricots are essential for a healthy lifestyle choice. It enhances metabolic levels, cures heart diseases, and has a therapeutic effect on your body’s physiological functioning.
Key Takeaway: It makes perfect sense why you need apricots for lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes. Maintaining a good immune defense against heart diseases also plays an important role in preventing diabetic symptoms. Apricots reduce diabetic symptoms with the help of powerful antioxidants.
14. Apricots have All the Essential Nutrients for Optimal Heart Health
Cardiovascular diseases are caused due to many factors: oxidative stress, cell death, inflammation, unhealthy lifestyle, and other relevant factors.
You need powerful antioxidants, nutritive vitamins, iron, dietary fiber, potassium, and such healthy nutrients in abundance to prevent heart failure. That said, one study claims that melanoidins from apricots protect the heart from oxidative stress in the body. (20)
The combination of dietary fiber and vitamins is essential for good cardiovascular health. It helps relax the muscles, stimulates proper blood flow to tissues, and decreases the cholesterol level in the body. All these powerful properties combined together encourage proper heart health and boost better metabolic functioning for patients with a higher risk of heart attack or stroke.
Key Takeaway: Studies show a dramatic increase in heart health due to regular consumption of apricot. It protects your heart against environmental factors, genetic conditions, and age-related cardiovascular diseases.
What To Look Forward To?
Here you’ll find quick and easy apricot recipes that are perfect for every season. Apricots are fresh, sweet, and full of flavor. Packed with so many nutrients, there’s so much you can do to incorporate a healthy apricot-rich diet into your lifestyle.
Ever since I’ve discussed the many surprising health benefits of apricots, it’s important that you should eat healthy fruits like apricots as a part of your diet. You can beat the summer blues with apricots as they season in summer, but you’ll find fresh apricot preserves and dried apricots all year round.
For healthy dinner recipes, breakfast meals, and quick and easy dessert recipes, apricots make an excellent addition to your kitchen.
1. Glazed Chicken with Apricot
A heart meal with lots of flavor. You can warm up your dinner table with this quick apricot chicken recipe.
6 - skinless chicken breasts
1 tbsp - light soya sauce
1 tbsp - cornstarch
1 tbsp - water
1 can - chicken stock
3/4 cup - apricot preserves
Cook chicken on medium-high heat until brown.
Pour in the chicken stock, add soya sauce and apricot. Mix well and cook for at least 20 minutes.
Set aside in the same skillet. Add cornstarch and water to make thick. Cook on medium-high heat until the gravy thickens and chicken blends with the sauce. Serve hot.
2. Apricot Cheesecake
An all-time favorite cheesecake recipe with fresh apricot puree.
18 - crackers, graham
1 cup and 2 tbsp - sugar
1/2 cup - melted and unsalted butter
10 ounces - apricot, pitted
1 tbsp - lemon juice
16 ounces - cream cheese
1/2 cup - sour cream
1/2 tsp - vanilla extract
2 - eggs, large and beaten
Salt to taste
Blend crackers, 2 tbsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt in a food blender. Add mixture in a small bowl and mix well with melted butter. On a baking pan, create the first base layer of crumbs mixture and press evenly. After preheating the oven to 350 degrees, bake for 15 minutes or until firm.
Add 1/4 cup sugar, apricots, and salt in a saucepan. Stir continuously on medium-high heat until sugar dissolves completely. Stir for as long as the mixture thickens and looks shiny.
Add apricots mixture, lime juice, and 1 tbsp of water in a food blender. Blend until even.
Beat sour cream and cream cheese in a large bowl. Add sugar (3/4 cup), vanilla extract, and salt. Mix well and add beaten eggs to smoothen.
Transfer cream cheese and sour cream mixture on top of the baked crust and smooth evenly.
To create a swirl-like appearance, drop apricot mixture into the sour cream mixture and swirl according to style. Bake for 25 minutes and refrigerate for 2 hours until cooled. Serve fresh with apricot pieces or apricot puree.
3. Apricot and Rice Pudding Popsicles
If you’re looking for easy-to-make comfort foods, try this delicious and healthy pudding popsicles.
1 cup - milk
3/4 cup - coconut milk
2 tbsp - coconut milk
1/4 cup - cream, heavy
1 - lemongrass, sliced
1 tbsp - ginger, minced
1/2 - vanilla bean
3 tbsp - rice, short-grain
1/4 cup - apricots
1/4 cup - sugar
Add coconut milk, whole milk, ginger, lemongrass, and half cup water in a pan. Add vanilla bean and bring to boil. Set aside for 15 minutes.
In a small bowl, combine rice with water and set aside for 10 minutes.
With the help of a sieve, strain milk mixture in a pan. Combine with rice and boil. After the combination starts boiling, bring to low heat and cook for up to 40 minutes.
Slowly add the apricots to the mixture and transfer into popsicle molds. Freeze for at least 1 hour and store frozen until served.
4. Apricot and Coconut Crumble
Take the ordinary coconut crumble recipe to a whole new level with fresh apricots and a little love!
3/4 cup - flour
3 tbsp - flour
1 cup 2 tbsp - shredded coconut
1 stick - butter
1/4 cup 3 tbsp - brown sugar
1 disk - pate brisee
1 3/4 pound - apricots
1/2 cup - sugar, granulated
1/2 cup - brown sugar
1 tbsp 2 tsp - cornstarch
Salt to taste
All-purpose flour for base
Mix flour and salt to taste. In a food blender, combine coconut, brown sugar, and butter. Add the flour mixture into the blender and blend until combined.
For crust: form a pate brisee base on all-purpose flour base. Using a pie plate, spread the brisee base and fold edges. Freeze for 20 minutes.
For filling: mix apricots, cornstarch, sugar, and salt. Transfer mixture into the pie crust. Add the coconut toppings. Make sure to leave an inch border.
After preheating the oven to 375 degrees, bake on a foil baking sheet. Bake until the crust looks crisp and golden. On a wire rack, set aside for 2 hours. Serve immediately.
5. Apricot Glazed Salmon
If you loved apricot glazed chicken, salmon is never an exception! It’s a hearty meal filled with lots of nutritive essentials for a healthy lifestyle.
4 - salmon fillets
1/4 cup - apricot preserves
1 tbsp - mustard, grainy
1 tbsp - dijon mustard
1 tbsp - soy sauce
1 tbsp - lime juice
2 tsp - grated ginger
2 tsp - grated garlic
Combine apricot preserves, mustard, soy sauce, lemon juice, garlic, and ginger.
Brush apricot mixture on salmon fillets and marinate for at least 30 minutes. Bake for 10 minutes in a preheated oven. Preheat it to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Serve fresh.
6. Apricot Barbecue Chicken Wings
These are the delicious apricot chicken wings your family and friends would love to eat again and again.
4 pounds - chicken wings
2 cups - barbecue sauce
1 cup - apricot preserve
1 tsp - powdered ginger
1 tbsp - powdered garlic
2 tbsp - worcestershire sauce
Combine barbecue sauce, apricot preserve, worcestershire sauce, ginger, and garlic powder in a small bowl.
Marinate the chicken wings with the sauce mixture. In a slow cooker, cook on high heat for up to 4 hours.
On a baking sheet, transfer slow cooked chicken wings on the sheet lined with foil. Broil for 2 minutes. Brush with remaining sauce mixture on the other side and broil for another 5 minutes.
Serve fresh.
7. Mixed Fruit Jam with Apricot and Raspberry
Mixed fruit jam never tasted so good. Treat yourself to a mouth-watering combination of fresh apricots and raspberries.
9 - apricots
2 cups - fresh raspberries
2 cups - sugar
2 tbsp - lemon juice
Mix apricot, raspberries, and sugar in a saucepan. Using a spoon, smash the mixture. Set aside for an hour while spooning consistently.
Squeeze some fresh lime juice and cook on medium-high heat on the same saucepan. Stir continuously for 20 minutes.
After the mixture caramelizes and has a jam-like consistency, set aside in closed glass jars. Store in refrigerator and serve for up to 3 months.
8. Quick Apricot Balls
A quick and easy way to make create energy-boosting no-bake apricot balls with minimal cleanup!
1 cup - dried apricots, chopped
2 tbsp - water, boiled
1/2 cup - oat bran meal
1/2 cup - coconut, shredded
1/4 cup - powdered milk
1/2 cup - shredded coconut
In a food blend, blend dried apricots for 10 seconds.
Add water, coconut shreddings, milk powder, and oat bran meal and blend for 10 more seconds.
Roll 1 tsp of the apricot mixture and cover in coconut shreddings. Keep tightly contained in a refrigerator.
Wrapping It Up
What you need to take home with you is the proof that apricots are especially nutritious and protective against diseases. Coupled with surprising health benefits and delicious apricot recipes, a sufficient diet of apricots that’s not too much is appropriate for your well-being. Nothing consumed in large amounts is a good thing. As they say, “Moderation is key”.
Apricots contain powerful vitamins, iron, fibre, and antioxidants that help fight serious diseases such as cancer, deficiencies, cardiovascular problems, anemia, cognitive disabilities, and age-related disorders. You can consume apricots in many forms, as you already know. Not to forget, apricots also have another great benefit for making a quick diet change. That is they’re delicious and sweet to taste!
Jen Miller is a former electrical engineer and product specialist with more than 20 years of product design and testing experience. She has designed more than 200 products for Fortune 500 companies, in fields ranging from home appliances to sports gear and outdoor equipment. She founded Jen Reviews to share her knowledge and critical eye for what makes consumers tick, and adopts a strict no-BS approach to help the reader filter through the maze of products and marketing hype out there. She writes regularly and has been featured on Forbes, Fast Company, The Muse, The Huffington Post, Tiny Buddha and MindBodyGreen.